De Baires a Moscú

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Location: República de Mataderos, Capital Federal, Argentina

Monday, April 17, 2006

Moscow 01

Moscow April 17, 2.30 a.m

Hola como estás? This line is all I know in spanish. According what you told me in your mail, I'm gonna choose the english language to comunicate me. First than anything I want to tell you that this way to exchange news form each other is not my favourite, I choose letters. I had my own suspicions to answer your mail, but we are so far that I thought, what a hell!!!.
Some tips about me: I'm 27 years old, dancer, and I live in my own apartment in a community bilding, at the Arbat neighbourhood. The past summer I went on tour whit the Moscow ballet all over Europe. And the person I was trying to reach is a friend (yankee) that I´ve met in London. I have a cousin who once lived in Baires (as you call your city) an told me that is a nice place to live, so who knows, maybe some day. I don't like much sports, just follow the performance of the ice skaters in the olimpycs so i'm not the best reference to inform you about what happens here. I've borned in a big family. About my proffesional life you must know that even if I'm not a famous dancer or have my own studio to teach dance, still is a good life. Sometimes I have moments that really let me down and it is too hard to go over them, maybe in the future I'll let you know all the reasons of this feelings, thoughts and goals of my life, but I'm a lady and I don't take the first step. The photo is from my neighbourhood. I'm gonna say goodbye now, kiss, Sofia. Do svidaniya! поцеловать;

You didn't told me much about you so if you want I'll receive your letters in my apartment:
Sofia Filippovna, Rue Petrovka 27. apt32, 103 301, Moskva, Russia